jueves, 4 de octubre de 2007

Differences between Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek.

Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek, were leaders who had an important participation in the modern history of China with a great amount of differences of political, economic and social ideas and they only shared in common the idea to govern the Republic of China.

Principally, the first of them was the successor of he second, but this event passed because the communist revolution, led by Mao, could take the power in 1949 and overthrow the nationalism, which was led by Chiang Kai-shek. Then, the China before this event was named The Republic of China and after of this, is called the People’s Republic of China

On the one hand, Mao studied law, and he dedicated to the study of the differents philosophical ideas like Marx and the communism ideas that developed the URSS. In the other hand, Chiang Kai-shek was a military man who was dedicated to create strategies in order to organize nationalist state.

While, the govern Chiang had to supported the invasion of Japan, and the second global war, the communist party was supported for the Japanese, which helped in great form to raise the power to Mao.

The only one similarity that had these two Chinese leaders is the idea to raise the power and took the control of all China.

In order to conclude, This leaders political characters of the history of China have many important ideological and polytical ideas.

By: Juan Camilo Escallón R.

Old Chinese and actual Chinese.

The history of China is very extensive, peculiar and interesting, but for practical effects it is possible to be divided in two: the old Chinese until 1949, and after this date the modern Chinese, when Mao takes the power and declares the People's Republic of China and begins a new one was that it fortifies with the death of Mao, because with the same policy of him, Chinese has advanced of strong way in its economic, political and social aspects, marking a great difference and a few similarities with the old China.

First of all, one of the most important differences which were marking for this event is the political aspect. China before 1949 handled a political system based on feudalism; now a days the political system of China is based in the socialist system, which began with the took of the power for Mao. With this change of political ideas and with the died of Mao, the new government with similar ideas of Mao but a few capitalism practice to the globalization, now a days China has improved in a big form many kind of features like an education and jobs for the big china s population in the last 30 years.

Another important factor that has been changed in the history of China, and principally since the died of Mao, is the economic aspect, then with the introduction of few capitalism practice aspects, the economy of china began to funded in the foreign investment, exportation of agric cultural products, and investment in industrial exploitation. The change is based in that China was an agricultural economy only.

The most important similarity founded in the different texts consulted, show us that the only features that has not changed in the two Chinas, is the discrimination and the bad treat that the women have had to the long of the Chinese history.

In order to conclude, China is a country which has been many changes to the long of its history, which are to admire and that has brought now a days many benefits for the china population in the most part of its aspects, although, for example the woman aspect has not changed much.

By: Juan Camilo Escallón rodríguez