martes, 21 de agosto de 2007

Modern Frienships

Now a days, with growth of new tendences, technologies and costumes, the relationships has changed. For that reason the cultrural ambient modifies the frienships. In the youth we can see it with the new medios and broad-cast of communication like internet services (chat, messenger, internet groups, personal spaces, etc)

The most common tendences to create or stablish a friendships is in an internet groups, because in this kind of groups, the folk with the same kind of ideas are agruped to find people with the similar thougth.

Another way to know more people are in the chat rooms or in messenger cause you can find anothers that are open mind and try to find more friends without care the ideals and particular thougth.

In ,y personal opinion these ways has been importants advances in the modern times. I think that the most popular media that people use now a days ai an internet groups because you can know and find folk that they want. If you want to know them, also, you can write a personal message and conect with them.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Careful with typing mistakes and sentence structure. You should have included another opinion essay!
Good luck!